Sharing God’s Love in a Practical Way
God has given each of you a gift from his great variety of spiritual gifts. Use them well to serve one another.
1 Peter 4:10
Kishermoruak Well Dedication from Joseph Pecoraro on Vimeo.
Please click on the video to hear some of the impact of your giving…
Sharing the Good News of God’s love and the message of His Son takes more than mere words. Action and service show that we believe Jesus is our Savior and Deliverer.
There are difficult times in everyone’s life. Some have a life marked by difficulty every day. When we bring basics of survival to people (like water), they understand that God is working through us to reach them.
Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.
John 7:39

The Kenya August 2023 Team is Set!
Eleven team members will be off to Kenya in August for a power packed trip. We will…
- Ensure that the wells and drip irrigation for produce that we put in place for our partners in Malili and Kavaini are functioning well
- Dedicate the Makena Youth Development Center and sports complex in Eldoret
- See the progress of the Maternity Center at the Milimani Mountain Hospital
- Partner with the medical team in Eldoret on Rural Medical Camps (outreach clinics)
- Dedicate a new well in Ildungisho, in the Masai Mara
- See the other three wells and the greenhouse in the Masai Mara
- Serve in the village of Olekeene in the Masai Mara with the Masai Mbuzi Wajani program that distributes Bibles and goats to the widows there
Join us in prayer as we make arrangements and see how God opens new doors.
The prayers of our supporters at home give strength to those of us who go.
We share and share alike—those who go to battle and those who guard the equipment.
1 Samuel 30:24

Hearts Afire Board members Dr. Joe Pecoraro and Craig Hacche meet at Hearts Afire Milimani Mission Hospital with Hearts Afire Kenya National representative Paul Wambi and the Architectural team from Nairobi as preparations are made for the disabled children’s center.
Pray with us!
1) For additional resources in order to deliver more Bibles to those who need them.
2) For full funding for the remainder of the existing hospital in Eldoret, Kenya, and for the future disability center.
3) That God speaks through the team members as they prepare for our August trip
4) For each other. Your love is making a difference in the world.