The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ -Matthew 25:40
The Maili Nne community is now being served by the Hearts Afire Milima Mission Hospital outpatient center, which celebrated its Grand Opening on August 19, 2021.
These poverty-stricken people walked for miles to celebrate now having local access to health care. Before the hospital was built, even minor ailments and injuries went untreated and often became life-threatening conditions. That’s no longer the case.

It was a festive occasion with the entire community rejoicing. The children’s school choir sang, testimonies were given, and the peace of God was present!
The Outpatient Center has 3 exam rooms, a procedure room, a pharmacy, and diagnostic lab services. This is the first open wing, of an impressive medical facility that has been constructed, and is progressively coming to completion.
During the four-day grand opening celebration God worked miracles-
- 724 patients were treated
- 61 people committed their lives to Christ
- 160 Bibles were given
- 172 miraculous physical healings
- 1 spiritual deliverance
What some patients said…
A woman was leaving the clinic, turned and said to Craig, one of our team members, “Thank you so much for the quality care.”
“There are no words to describe all that you’ve done for us. We appreciate you more than words can say. God has great plans for you.”

Pray with us!
1) For oxygen delivery system for the patient, labor and delivery, recovery, and operating rooms
2) For the health and safety of Dr. Joe and our ministry partner, Craig Hacche, as they run with the Hearts Afire vision in Kenya this month.
3) For strength of our Kenyan partners serving their own people while overseeing our projects and programs.
4) For Hearts Afire Hospital outpatient staff to have the eyes of Christ as they minister to the patients’ spiritual needs.
5) For the Mission Hospital to be fully funded