The People of India Respond to the One True God
There are now almost as many gods in India as there are people in the United States! Yes, hard to believe, but they have 330 Million gods! And when people hear the Good News of Jesus Christ, they respond because He is the only one that can truly reach their hearts.
Our partner in India, Hope Ministries, gathered crowds to hear the Good News as Hearts Afire Co-founder, Dr. Joe, had the opportunity to preach two crusades in India. More than 2,000 people were in attendance and many lives were changed. Bibles were distributed to new believers in their own language (Telegu).
In India, some women are reluctant to fill out “salvation cards” because of fears that they may be beaten. Yet they will still attend church. During the two nights, 187 people committed their lives to Jesus and there were 87 healings, plus additional testimonies.
Testimony from the crusade: Tinku said, “I came to the crusade only to get the feeding before the crusade starts. But the good news of Heaven and Hell made me think I should start my life once again. I worship more than 500 gods in my life and after hearing this good news, I gave my life to Jesus.

“For the Good News must first be preached to all nations.”
Mark 13:10
“Medical Camps” in India bring care and medication to remote tribal regions.
People opened their hearts at the prayer station for encouraging prayers, deliverance and healing.

During our time in India, three different locations were served. Patients were treated, and tested when necessary, eyeglasses were provided, and both children and adults were ministered to with prayer. Bibles were given to new believers.
Trip Statistics
744 patients treated during 3 clinics
$4625 worth of medicine
307 lab tests (malaria, dengue, blood sugar)
183 people were fitted for eyeglasses
3 salvations
4 deliverance
4 healing
55 Bibles given (Telegu language)
2000 people fed
First Child Born at Hearts Afire/IVC Milimani Hospital in Kenya

Welcome to the world baby Umi!!!
Your baby’s cries were the first in our maternity ward. Those excited cries were not only a gift to your mama, but also to the Hearts Afire/IVC Milimani Mission Hospital family. Your little feet have indeed left big footprints. To Umi’s mama, “Congratulations”!!! Your smile gives us an assurance that you had a safe, secure and smooth delivery.
We are sending you loads of good wishes and endless love for your little princess.
Umi’s mother is a Somali and a Muslim, yet she was overwhelmed with the love and care she received at the hospital from “the Christians”. She has spread the word to the rest of her local community.
“Anyone who welcomes a little child like this on my behalf welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes not only me but also my Father who sent me.”
Mark 9:37
Update on Goats Provided for Widows:
The widows with their goats meet every Saturday. The goats are sprayed for ticks and dewormed. This is overseen by the community elders.
The widows say the project is an inspiration to them and they feel the love.

Pray with us!
1) For the 190 souls who were welcomed into God’s Kingdom on the mission trip to India
2) For God’s direction and wisdom as we prepare for the February 24, 2023 Annual Benefit
3) For funding for the operating room at Milimani Mission Hospital to enhance our services, especially for C-sections
4) For those committed to spreading God’s word throughout the world – especially where they are persecuted
5) That the progress with the NHIF (National Hospital Insurance Fund) comes to a favorable and swift completion. This will allow funding for more Kenyans who are local to be treated at the Milimani Hospital