Hearts Afire Provides a New School for Young Students
The IVEC (International Vision Education Center) school is serving elementary grade students from the Maili Nne area of Eldoret, Kenya.
Loving and Caring has Moved a Mountain!
… Jesus told them. “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible.
Matthew 17:20
Prayer Mountain in Eldoret Kenya has transformed from a bare mountainside to a life giving, bustling community with a functioning hospital (Hearts Afire Milimani Mission Hospital), prayer center, conference center and church, children’s home and now an elementary school.
Soon a sports complex will complete the dream of providing for the children and youth of the community in practical ways.
The local people recognize that only a loving God could provide for them this way.
Hearts Afire Milimani (Mountain) Mission Hospital

Jesus traveled throughout the region of Galilee, teaching in the synagogues and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom. And he healed every kind of disease and illness.
Matthew 4:23
The progress of Milimani Mission Hospital has been consistent and astounding. Momentarily to receive a 3A designation, the hospital will open its doors to emergency services, a maternity center and inpatient facilities that will care for children as well as adults.
Keep your eyes open for the next steps: Ability Center for Disabled Children and the full operating suite!
Land adjacent to school being leveled for Makena Sports Complex

The sports complex will include a soccer field with track, a volleyball court, tennis court and basketball court. This is drawing in people from all around the area and opening doors to share the Gospel with so many.
Tukuta Greenhouse in Masai Mara Kenya

Above is the greenhouse in Tukuta, in the Masai Mara of Kenya. The first harvest of vegetables has just been completed. They have never had local fresh vegetables available before this.
Below is a woman in Oldapash in the Masai Mara of Kenya. One of the women said, “Only God can bring water when there is no river!”

Pray with us!
1) That many souls will be saved during the mission trip to the Dominican Republic July 16-22.
2) For the licensing process for the hospital’s next level to go smoothly.
3) That abundant faith and resources will be experienced by our mission partners.
4) For increasing funds for wells in Kenya and India as their droughts continue.
5) For all those who God calls to our team to Kenya this year to respond obediently.