Hearts Afire’s
First Book
Ordinary People. Doing Extraordinary Things.
Serving With Hearts Afire chronicles the mission journeys of ten ordinary people who decided to do extraordinary things. Through their talents and skills, they ministered to countless people – physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

The gospel command is to “go” into the world, to minister to the sick and the poor, and to bring the good news of Christ and His work on the cross to those who have not heard of Him. Ten people from many different walks of life did just this through Hearts Afire ministry, traveling more than 30,000 miles to foreign lands, not sure what they would find.
They answered the call and encountered a risen and vibrant Savior, One who still works in wondrous and mysterious ways today. Serving With Hearts Afire chronicles the mission journeys of ten ordinary people who decided to do extraordinary things. Through their talents and skills, they ministered to countless people — physically, emotionally, and spiritually. They have made disciples, healed broken bodies, and nourished the souls of children and adults alike.
And they want you to join them.
You, too, can experience the deep satisfaction of the mission field. You can become one of many people using their time and talents to minister to people who might not otherwise receive physical help or care, or hear the gospel message. You, too, can be a contributing part as God works to restore people to Himself. As you read through these pages, imagine yourself in their place, working as the hands and feet of Jesus.
About the book
Answer the call God is placing on your life.
From the Foreword
The founders of Hearts Afire, Dr. Joe and Rhonda Pecoraro and Dr. Vilma Vega, are amazing people committed to serving God by serving others. I am honored to have been asked to write the foreword for this book . . .
… As you read the following stories, you will sense the hearts of people who have responded with their hearts afire, being led by the Spirit of God to meet needs, bringing help to the helpless, bringing hope to the hopeless. You will find yourself drawn into the experiences of each one as they share their stories.
… The pages of the book you hold in your hands contain stories within the story of Hearts Afire, stories of people like you and me who accepted an invitation by Hearts Afire… and ultimately yielded to God’s call to go!
Each chapter tells a story of God using ordinary people in extraordinary ways. You will be inspired as they tell the story of what God did through them and in them as they served the needs of people whose only hope is found in God.”